Thursday, July 10, 2008

Two Weeks...

In exactly two weeks from today I'll be flying out of LAX to Washington D.C. to start my Peace Corps service and life in Bulgaria. It sounds weird to say that, and I'm sure it will become stranger as the day inches closer and closer... Weird, but in a good and exciting way. My anticipation grows as each day passes.

As for right now, I'm still just trying to relax and enjoy this time off. In the comng weeks, other than preparing for service, I have some fun stuff planned. This weeked, I'm going to spend some time at the beach here in LA, and then go on a road trip up the coast to Monterey. I plan on spending some time at the Getty Museum here in LA and hiking in the awesome mountains around this city. I might hit up Disneyland at some point as well haha.

The move went really smoothly, and pretty much everything is in the house here and organized now, save for maybe two boxes, which will porbably get taken care of today. This place looks really good, I must say. Glad I could do something productive during my month here rather than just sit around haha.

Two weeks and counting.

Until next time...

1 comment:

Richard and Shirley said...

Hello Greg!

We are two of your fellow trainees in B24. We look forward to meeting you in Arlington in less than two weeks.

By way of introducing ourselves, you are welcome to view our blog at

Richard & Shirley