Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Adventures in Horrible English

This is an actual, verbatim excerpt from an English language textbook that one of my kids is using. Nothing was changed.

Christy: Hi Daniel, what's that in your pocket?
Daniel: Ah, this? It's my new Busta Rhymes CD. It's awesome! Do you want to see it?
Christy: Nope. BR's not my favourite.
Daniel: Isn't he? Who's your favourite then?
Christy: I haven't got a favourite.
Daniel: You don't like rap music?
Christy: No, not at all.
Daniel: What kind of music do you like?
Christy: Actually I'm not keen on music. I like computer games. No, I love computer games. I play non-stop.
Daniel: You don't! You don't play on the bus! And I listen to music every where.
Christy: You don't! You don't listen to music in class.

Can anyone tell me what the heck this is supposed to teach kids, or when this situation would arise?


Anonymous said...

What are you talking about? That was exactly what my friends adn I talked like when we were young - what music we liked (I hear Eastern Europe and Russia are very taken with hip-hop. Saw a Snoop Dogg concert poster in Prague over the summer.), what we liked to do in our spare time.

It sounds to me like your textbook is much more modern and updated than those old things that use boring conversations like "I like to go to the movies." "Me, too." LAME! And how about where they mimic actual children and their hilarious literalism. "You don't play computer games on the bus!" Classic.

That book is awesome and if I were you, I'd follow it as closely as possible in my lesson plans.

Anonymous said...

I'm not keen on rap, I'm keen on turbo-chalga.

I'm sure they could have come up with something slightly more intelligent to have a conversation about in a TEXTBOOK... meh, but they're right, listen to American kids, Bulgarian kids, kids anywhere. This is the type of stuff they talk about. Uspeh!

Matt said...

I really hope they're learning ebonics from Busta.

Catherine said...

Where is the good 'ole Wordly Wise Vocabulary Book or the wonderful Warriner's English grammar book? (Remember those from St. John's?)LOL