Bulgarian uses a modified version of the Cyrillic alphabet, similar to the one used in Russia and other similar countries. Apparently, from what I read, this alphabet was actually created in Bulgaria, and it is a part of their history that the people there are very proud of.
As you can see from the image below, it is somewhat similar to the Latin alphabet. Unfortunately I think this visual similarity makes it a bit more difficult for me to get a grasp on sounding them out. There are letters that are identical in both languages (like the "A"), and there are characters that are unique to Bulgarian (such as the letter that makes the "D" sound). Finally, there are characters that are similar but that sound different. This third group is the hardest - getting used to reading "B" and making the "v" sound, reading "H" and making the "n" sound, etc. There's also characters that are backwards forms of Latin letters, which just adds to the craziness.
Anyway, just wanted to give the readers out there some insight into what stage of preparations I'm at. I'm still waiting for my staging information, and so am again in a sort of holding pattern until I am contacted again by the Peace Corps. Until that time comes, I'm still trying to gather whatever information I can.

hi, my name is sarah and i'm going with you to bulgaria! i found your blog on the pc blog site. and i have a kinda dumb question....ive never blogged before and i just set mine up and my picture is tiny, do you know how i can make it bigger?
Actually, your table with the Alphabet is not quite correct:
The explanation for Ч and Ц are inversed, that is in the third column (from left), the third explanation from the top (ts - as in puts) pertains to the 4th letter from top Ц ц, and 0n the oposite, the fourth explanation (ch as in check) pertains to the third letter from top - Ч ч .
So the correct order is Ч ч (ch as in check) and Ц ц - (ts - as in puts)
They Cyrillic takes a little time to learn, but it's really easy to read. There's no need to worry about learning Bulgarian, you'll pick it up quickly.
Look forward to meeting you!
To anonymous... I realized the mistake when I put up the table. I have a book withe correct pronounciations in it, so I am in fact learning the right way. Just wanted to give my folks (who haven't seen it) some idea of how it looks.
Thanks for the concern haha!
And thanks for the message Jimmy - looking forward to meeting you as well!
Hey, I'm going to be a Youth Development volunteer in bulgaria with you guys. Greg, I friended you on facebook(I think), so hopefully I'll be communicating with some of you soon.
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