Monday, May 5, 2008

Peace Corps Journals

I made it onto! I am pretty much addicted to this site. It's a huge collection of blogs from volunteers serving in every country the Peace Corps is posted in. I've provided a link to the Bulgaria section of the site in my links section ("Other Peace Corps Bulgaria Blogs") so anyone interested can get some other perspectives on life in Peace Corps Bulgaria. It's weird seeing all these other people who have been over there in BG for one or two years (or longer!), sitting right there next to my brand new blog... not even over there serving yet...

Also, the other day I found the first other person that will be serving with me in my group. The person posted on the yahoo peace corps group. It's starting to come together... exciting!


Anonymous said...

How cool it will be for you to head off to Bulgaria! What an experience of a lifetime you will have! Congrats on your graduation and nomination!

Katie F. said...

Hey! I found your blog through the PC Journals page... and I'll be serving with you as a YD PCV in Bulgaria! I just got my invite not even 2 weeks ago, and haven't connected with anyone yet, but thought i would say hey!