Sunday, November 22, 2009


This is an article from today's Novinite (national Bulgarian news) that I thought tied in very well with my last blog post.

50% of Bulgaria High School Graduates Said to Be ‘Illiterate’

Some 50% of Bulgarian high school graduates are illiterate in the sense that they don’t know basic spelling and grammar rules.

This is according to Evelina Gecheva, a manager of “Akademika”, a Bulgarian online education portal.

Gecheva bases her claims on information from professors grading university entrance exams, and other sources. In her words, it is unclear how many of the young people in Bulgaria are illiterate since there are no formal criteria for “literacy”. She believes this collapse in Bulgarian education would require the aid of the state and the whole society to be overcome.

In the fall of 2009, Akademika started an initiative entitled “Be Literate”. As part of it, a number of university and high school experts have made it clear the high school programs in Bulgarian language and literature must be restructured, and new Bulgarian language textbooks need to drafted as they are filled with foreign and incomprehensible words.

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